Government figures show agri-food exports to three markets increased in 2023

Saskatchewan agri-food exports to Indonesia, Morocco, and Algeria increased in 2023 over the previous year, according to the provincial government.

Export volumes to Indonesia rose 62 percent; non-durum wheat is the top commodity exported to the nation, which grew to be Saskatchewan’s “sixth-leading agri-food market in 2023” according to the government.

Algeria, the province’s “fourth-leading market in volume”, saw exports rise by 69 percent to 1,232,110 tonnes with the top commodities being durum and lentils.

Saskatchewan’s “eighth-leading export partner”, Morocco, had a 22 percent increase in export volume at 745,339 tonnes and like Algeria, durum and lentils are the top commodity exports.

“The increase in exports to important international markets like Algeria, Indonesia and Morocco are yet another example of our agriculture sector’s resiliency and dedication to providing reliable, high-quality agri-food products worldwide,” Agriculture Minister David Marit said in a news release. “Numbers like these showcase the success we are seeing through our presence in world markets and building key relationships with our partners across the globe.” 

The United States, China, Japan, and Mexico are other international markets Saskatchewan exports to.

The numbers released Thursday morning are the latest in a series of statistics showing the province’s agri-food exports rose in 2023. In early February, the provincial government noted exports to India rose 71 percent in 2023 compared to the previous year, as well as exports rising for the fourth consecutive year, totaling $20.2-billion for 2023.

The government said “overall, the total volume of Saskatchewan’s agri-food exports increased over 26 per cent over the previous year.”

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