Take It To The Street!

I want to revisit a topic that “drives me up the wall”. I noticed the city has cleaned the downtown core streets this morning. It’s too bad that the sidewalk sweepers couldn’t dispel all the gobs of spit! I will never understand how someone can, without thought, can roll up a “looger” and drop it right on the sidewalk. This goes for gum as well. If you need to spit you are like 2 or 3 feet away from the street.

It’s truly mind-boggling to me how some people can have such blatant disregard for the cleanliness of our city streets. It’s not just a matter of aesthetics, but also a matter of basic respect for our shared public spaces. The fact that someone can casually spit their gum or phlegm onto the sidewalk without a second thought is truly baffling to me.

Let’s all do our part to keep our Regina clean and show some respect for our fellow citizens. Let’s take some pride in our community and set a better example for future generations. End Rant.

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