De-clutter! Find treasures! Take a picture! Throw out or shred and repeat.
Do you keep things so that you never forget your experiences? At some point you probably want to throw them out. Taking a picture of the treasures and having that as a reminder might be a space saver. I had to share these crazy pictures of my days working with Canadian Western Agribition through the 80’s! It was a part time job weighing cattle, working in the show and sale department. Forty years ago, I had the very THUG-look OR maybe it was just being 22 years old! NOT a passport photo, that’s for sure! How about that wild and crazy look, now that must have been a re-take! Who gets a staff picture looking like a total wahoo! Oddly enough through the years of pictures not much has changed, except well, glasses & hair colour. We had so much fun during those days. Many things that would not fly these days of the show. Late nights, going to bars and dancing, then showing up for work to do it all over again. One night I broke my hand by giving someone a piggy-back ride in the Swamp! Yikes. Went to the hospital the next day after I was excused from my duties as my hand was swollen to two times its normal size. Now, working at Agribition is through the radio station, not so wild and crazy!
As we age, we reflect on some of the past decades and the memories good and bad. As I have been going through boxes of papers and memories the things I can toss include: old birthday cards, obituaries, receipts, magazines and pictures of grass & sky. Something that might come in handy that I won’t toss is an Edmonton Oiler jersey I had when Wayne Gretzky was playing in Edmonton. Remember the year that the Oilers came to Regina to play the St Louis Blues in pre-season play? That jersey was just unearthed and had a very musty smell, plus it shrank over the last 4 decades!!! How about the old school Adidas bag with the zipper on the bottom? If I spent some time with these things, I could bring them to life and have one helluva yard sale.
Paying attention to postings on Facebook will drive you crazy when it comes to collectibles that you may have, may be looking for or are trying to get rid of. I have a full size mannequin, she’s not looking too good – time and travel have not been kind. I have posters from my days of being a member of the KISS Army. Cannot wait to see what kind of shape they are in. These are treasures that people post and brag about. I put them to good use when I was a kid, my room was papered with them. A friend just sent me a badge from Huckle Berry Hound fan club, it will go into the pin collection with the Archie Fan Club pin! OH, hey! Another thing I have many of – pins and badges! Anyone need pins or badges!
Watch for Vintage and Antique markets that will be popping up and of course all the pickers that head out to garage and yard sales. It is after all approaching, “that” time of year.