Seeding progress across Manitoba has been delayed with recent rains and currently sits at approximately 4% of the acres being seeded.
Producers have begun seeding spring wheat, barley, oats, and corn.
The Central region is most advanced with approximately 12% of each of the major cereals planted.
Weeds are quickly appearing in fields including kochia, volunteer canola & wheat, flixweed, fleabane, foxtail barley, redroot pigweed, lamb’s quarters, thistles, and dandelions.
Growers are encouraged to scout and use burn-off products to control weeds they see and as well use PRE-emergent products with residual control.
• Winter wheat and fall rye survival is decent, with most producers observing winter cereal survival to be 80 – 90%.
Most producers have completed fertilizer applications in their winter cereals.
• Spring wheat and barley are sitting at 9% complete across the province with the Central region being the most advanced at 12% complete. Earliest planted fields have started to emerge. Oilseeds
• No significant acres of oilseed crops planted to date. Pulses and Soybeans
• Field pea planting is at 11% complete across the province. The Northwest region is the most advanced at 25% complete and the Southwest region is at 7% complete.
• A few reports of soybeans being planted where soil conditions have been suitable.
(Government of Manitoba news release)