I love singing the praises of the hands that make the gears turn on the prairies. We all have taken for granted, at some time or another, that what we see or buy off the shelf is just a simple task of import, delivery, and consumption, but, in actuality, it’s the hard working farmer/rancher that plants, produces and care’s for their products that feed the planet. Time, blood, passion, sweat, tears and love are all attributes that many place close to their hearts during the harvest season. I can see and feel a lot of those qualities in the conversations I have with our local residents when we talk to them about their farm and way of life. I felt the commitments made by the Dyke’s at our 620 CKRM Country Cookout. I want to thank them for doing what they do and for the hospitality they showed to us. We appreciate all that you do.
Thank you to all the clients/sponsors for their commitment and involvement for making this happen. We couldn’t do it without you.
What a great time in Grenfell. Lots of character and history. Spent many days here reveling in all it has to offer. Grenfell was the result of the westward expansion of the Canadian Pacific Railway and the town is named after Pasco du P. Grenfell, an early shareholder of the railway company and a prominent railway man. Initial settlement was from eastern Canada and the British Isles, followed shortly thereafter by Germans.
Next stop was Oakshela…… Oakshela, SK is between my hometown of Broadview and Grenfell. Oakshela is an indigenous term for “child”.
Time to get to Dustin, Pam, Easton & Luke Dykes homestead and revel in each others company and celebrate the spring endeavors. Check out some photo’s, videos, from our cookout with the Dykes of Oakshela.
Perry Nyhus introduces us to a few of our great sponsors and friends.
JJ Voss, as usual, had the crowd singing his praises after that great performance.
Here’s my interviews with Easton and Luke Dyke.
Next up was our winner Dustin Dyke.
Happy seeding season! listen for the dinner bell on 620 CKRM for you chance to win a 620 CKRM Country Cookout.