Beaches Like No Other

Eighty years have passed since Canadians hit the beaches of France during World War II. Allied forces rushing the sand dunes, many gunned down in the waters of the English Channel. Soldiers that represented prairie provinces, farm families’ that saw their sons barring arms to fight a German army. The English, American and Canadian military fighting to liberate Europe from Nazi occupation. In 1944 Nazi Germany had occupied France for a length time and on June 6th allied forces would make their move. Operation Overlord: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, Sword are now beaches that are celebrated and are hallowed grounds. Beyond the beaches the graves of soldiers lost in battle, their headstones honouring names of Canadian soldiers that did not make it home. Even today, the English Channel seas, give up pieces of the battle as a reminder of June 6, 1944.

In your summer travels, if you plan a trip to Ottawa, a must is going to The Canadian War Museum. If you find yourself in Regina today, stop by the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 001. The Legion, located at 1820 Cornwall Street, is hosting a BBQ Friday night. Stop by at 6pm to view the local military museum. Where would we be today, if not for Canadian men and women serving in our military over decades. Their stories are told through museums and Legions across Canada.

This weekend while you attend football games, watch hockey, prepare for family events like weddings or an anniversary, maybe a birthday, think of the way you are able to move through your weekend freely. Be thankful for living in a country that allows you to do these things. While we reflect on D-Day and see the images of 80 years past, looming large is the current European tension. Imagine how veterans must feel as they question who will fight for democracy today. So much has changed. Our military strength not what it once was and as history has a way of repeating itself, how will Canadians respond to thinking of a career in the current military.


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