They Don’t Make Em’ Like They Used To!

So last week when we were in the Dilke area, I had the privilege to encounter one of the most historic structures in Southern Saskatchewan. It was always instilled in me at a very young age to appreciate the historic value and workmanship that goes into an architectural structure. I can image the skilled labour, time/patience/sweat/blood and toil that goes into building a magnificent dwelling such as View Haven near Grandview Beach.

By a chance encounter I asked a Dilke local about old historical buildings in the area. I was pointed to the direction of Devin Robertson who has a Century farm, along Last Mountain Lake, that holds that famed structure called View Haven. Devin was a class act and took me on his off road vehicle, to his historical barn through the rugged terrain (there are no roads to it).

I was not disappointed in my expectations to this wonderful presence of engineering and architecture. I could not believe my eyes as my brain ran rampant thinking about the skilled labour and arduous work that went into this stone structure. I could imagine the masonry’s that cut every stone and squared it up without the advancements of technology.

Devin brought me a photo before the roof had blown off in the early 90’s, but it did nothing to diminish my excitement.

Devin also sent me a great writeup on View Haven and the history behind it…fascinating. Again a big thanks to Devin Robertson for the hospitality and letting a stranger approach him and pick his memories about his history.

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