Grand to Grand Ultra. WHAT!

“Go with me on this!” is the line that my friend, Troy Schaab always said when he had an idea for our morning show in Red Deer, Alberta. So here’s a bit of a story about Troy and just Go With Him On This!

You train for months to drop weight, build muscle and endurance so you can run the Grand Canyon, running through two states getting from point A to B. Your journey of self-discovery takes you through terrain that very few will do in the space of a week, let alone in a lifetime. Mental toughness has to be one of the things you work on. You are meeting and living with strangers, who will be lifelong friends after this event that tests you every kilometer of the way in your week long journey. Now, imagine crossing sand dunes, crawling up rock walls, cool starry desert nights as you move toward the next day. The Grand to Grand Ultra is the only stage race to start from one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, the awe-inspiring north rim of the Grand Canyon, and finish at the Pink Cliffs, which is the top layer of the Grand Staircase, one of the world’s most iconic geological formations.

If you are new to running or speed walking – this is different! Just look at the website and the breakdown what is expected from the limited number of participants. Check out this breakdown of your days on the trail.

Day one is 49.6 km. Day two or Stage Two is 43.3 km. Stage 3 is 2 days of moving over 85.4 kilometers. That’s a lot, right!? But now you are on the down side of the event. Stage 4 is 41.9 km, Stage 5 another 41.9, Stage 6 42.2 km and your final kick to the finish is 12.7 km AND THEN YOU COLLAPSE. That’s a whole lotta ground covered!

Watching the videos of the mass start, knowing that some will not be able to keep up with the intensity of the event, and seeing those who are still out there crossing the finish line from each stage just kind of draws you, especially if you have a “horse” in the race. This is a personal test of stamina and not necessarily are you competing with anyone but yourself. Again, the mental, physical, emotional turmoil your mind and body must be going through wondering when is this going to end. But, I guess you can’t think that way. Everyday has to be thought of as a challenge, thinking of what lies ahead; snakes, scorpions, cactus, more sand and have I run out of water, where do I stop to pee!

Thanks to Team Troy, Sonia (Troy’s wife) for keeping us all in the loop. I’ve been checking for photos and times. Troy is hanging in the middle of the pack! This isn’t his first rodeo when it comes to a self supported foot race. These events are incredible and I think somewhat addicting to the participants. My greatest admiration for those that can do these sorts of things. And I am pretty sure that Troy might be hallucinating about a big, and I mean HUGE vat of ice cold beer when he hits the end of this event on the weekend. Beer and a very soft bed with black out curtains in the room.

Bravo friend. You are an inspiration. But I am sorry, when you ask me what my fitness goal for the next 12 months might be, I don’t see this in my future.

Trek on friend. Trek on!

Grand to Grand Ultra (Photo Credit)

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