Weather Forecast | Temperature | Chance Precip |
Tonight | ||
Any early evening flurries end with partly cloudy conditions otherwise Wind: S-SE 15-25 km/h | Low: -16° rises later | 30% early |
Tuesday | ||
Not as cold with a mixture of sunshine and cloud cover and turning breezy Wind: S Becoming W increasing to 20-40 km/h | High: 1° falling PM | 20% |
Tuesday night | ||
Partly to mostly cloudy with brisk winds blowing – Chance for a flurry or two Wind: NW 25-50 km/h | Low: -18° | 40% |
Wedensday | ||
A mixture of sunshine and cloud cover – Colder Wind: NW 15-30 km/h | High -18° | 10% |
Thursday | ||
Mostly cloudy skies – A passing flurry possible now and then | High: -8ׄ° | 40% |
Friday | ||
Partly sunny skies, and not as cold | High: -1° | 20% |
Normal High: -6° Normal Low: -17°