Mostly cloudy skies, colder

Weather ForecastTemperatureChance Precip
Mostly cloudy skies, colder   Wind: NW 10-20 km/hLow: -19°20%
A mixture of sunshine and cloud cover, remaining fairly cold   Wind: NW 15-25 km/hHigh: -16°20%
Tuesday night
Partly cloudy skies   Wind: N-NW 10-20 km/hLow: -27°   Wind Chill -30°20%
Thickening cloud cover with snow developing and an increasing breeze – Snowfall accumulations 4-8cm… Snow continues into Wed night with additional accumulations of 5-10cm   Wind: SE increasing to 20-45km/h High:  -15°80%
Lingering early snow followed by clearing skies Rather coldHigh: -19°60% early
Increasing cloudiness with a chance of light snowHigh: -15°50%

Normal High: -9                 Normal Low: -21°     

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