Spotlight on London, Ont. as world junior hockey sex assault case goes to court

Spotlight on London, Ont. as world junior hockey sex assault case goes to court

Feb 4, 2024 | 9:47am
The southwestern Ontario city of London will be under a spotlight Monday as a high-profile, multi-year probe into allegations of sexual assault involving players from Canada’s 2018 world junior hockey team makes its way to court. Five players — Dillon Dube, Cal Foote, Alex Formenton, Carter Hart and Michael McLeod — were charged late last […]
New AFN chief looks to turn page with Pierre Poilievre from Harper-era tensions

New AFN chief looks to turn page with Pierre Poilievre from Harper-era tensions

Feb 4, 2024 | 9:44am
The national chief of the Assembly of First Nations is trying to make inroads with Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, hoping to forestall the tensions and angst that marked the party’s last time in power. The legacy of the Idle No More movement has shaped how young Indigenous activists and leaders view the Conservatives, an image […]
Pats blanked by Broncos 3-0

Pats blanked by Broncos 3-0

Feb 3, 2024 | 4:49am
The chances were there for the Regina Pats on Friday night, but unfortunately the goals weren’t, as they were shutout by the Swift Current Broncos 3-0. Reid Dyck made 27 saves in the win for Swift Current, his second straight shutout win. Pats Ewan Huet was busy making 36 saves. After a scoreless first period, […]
Do More Ag accepting applications for its 5th annual Community Fund

Do More Ag accepting applications for its 5th annual Community Fund

Feb 2, 2024 | 8:03pm
The application window is wide open for the 5th annual Community Fund, put on by the Do More Agriculture Foundation and Farm Credit Canada. Do More Ag has been accepting applications since January 18 and the deadline is February 15. Executive Director of Do More Ag Megz Reynolds says  the fund offers free mental health supports […]
Man dies after altercation on Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation

Man dies after altercation on Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation

Feb 2, 2024 | 4:21pm
Thursday, tragedy struck Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation as Loon Lake RCMP responded to a report of an injured individual. The victim, 32-year-old Dedrick Stick of Island Lake First Nation, succumbed to injuries sustained during an altercation between a group of individuals at a different location. Stick managed to seek refuge in a nearby residence, where […]
Distracted driving is more than just cellphone use: SGI

Distracted driving is more than just cellphone use: SGI

Feb 2, 2024 | 3:41pm
In Regina, distracted driving is more than just glancing at your phone—it extends to everyday activities that take your focus off the road. From munching on a burrito to applying lipstick or even engaging in lively conversations with friends, any diversion poses risks. SGI is driving home the importance of concentration behind the wheel. JP […]
Risk for sprinkles developing Saturday night

Risk for sprinkles developing Saturday night

Feb 2, 2024 | 3:34pm
Weather Forecast Temperature Chance Precip         Tonight Increasing cloud   Wind: S/SE 15-25 km/h Low: 1° 20% Saturday Mostly cloudy   Wind: SE 15-25 km/h diminishing High: 5° 20% Saturday Night Mostly cloudy – risk for sprinkles developing   Wind: SE 8-16 km/h Low: 2° then steady 40% Sunday Spotty light rain […]
Closing Grain Prices Friday, February 2

Closing Grain Prices Friday, February 2

Feb 2, 2024 | 2:42pm
Durum                          434.01  Feed barley                  230.08 Canola                          556.32 Chickpeas                     1168.44 Flax                              […]
Footballer-turned-actor Carl Weathers, who starred in ‘Rocky’ movies and ‘The Mandalorian,’ dies

Footballer-turned-actor Carl Weathers, who starred in ‘Rocky’ movies and ‘The Mandalorian,’ dies

Feb 2, 2024 | 1:55pm
NEW YORK (AP) — Carl Weathers, a former NFL linebacker who became a Hollywood action movie and comedy star, playing nemesis-turned-ally Apollo Creed in the “Rocky” movies, facing-off against Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Predator” and teaching golf in “Happy Gilmore,” has died. He was 76. Matt Luber, his manager, said Weathers died Thursday. His family issued […]

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