Drug overdose numbers continue to rise according to Regina police

Regina Police is again warning the public of the overdose issue in the city.

Since the start of 2020, there have been 233 drug overdoses, with police attending 110 of them. 11 people have died as a result of drug overdoses, with another 11 deaths remaining unconfirmed.

Those suffering from drug addiction are advised to seek medical help and supports to mitigate self-harm and return to a healthy state.

Police are also advising the public of the signs of an opioid overdose:

• Difficulty walking/talking/staying awake
• Blue lips or nails
• Very small pupils
• Cold and clammy skin
• Dizziness and confusion
• Extreme drowsiness
• Choking, gurgling or snoring sounds
• Slow, weak or no breathing
• Inability to wake up, even when shaken or shouted at.


As well, police are reminding people of the Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act that protects anyone who is experiencing or who is present when someone else is experiencing an overdose from possession of a controlled substance charges.

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