Scheer feeling optimistic despite election loss

The morning after his party failed to wrestle power from the Liberals in the federal election, Andrew Scheer says Canada is waking up Tuesday morning to a country more divided than ever.

Scheer, speaking in Regina on Tuesday, says he offered some advice to Justin Trudeau during a phone call on Monday night.  It is advice he hopes the Prime Minister takes.

“It’s clear, based on the results last night, when you have two entire provinces completely reject the approach of this Liberal government, and when you look at how Justin Trudeau has attacked our energy sector, has ignored the concerns of Alberta and Saskatchewan and has demonized premiers who disagree with him, that the results last night speak for themselves. “Scheer said. “To the people of Alberta and Saskatchewan, we hear you loud and clear, we will fight for you and we will do everything we can this Liberal government has to change course and not attack our energy sector.”

He went on to say that Trudeau must understand that when Western Canada succeeds, all of Canada succeeds.

The Conservatives are sending 121 MP’s to Ottawa which has Scheer feeling good despite the fact he did not win,

“While we wish we had better results, we won the popular vote, we garnered one million more votes and we have the strongest opposition in Canadian history.” Scheer said. “This was the first step in the process to replace the Justin Trudeau government with a Conservative government.

Scheer added he will not be stepping down as leader and is looking forward to leading the fight to keep the Liberals accountable.

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