Meili urges province to put Sask. businesses and workers first in capital project plan

The provincial NDP has some questions regarding the Saskatchewan government’s $7.5 billion infrastructure stimulus plan to help the province recover from COVID-19.

NDP leader Ryan Meili said they welcome the province’s announcement of building up Saskatchewan during the recovery process of the pandemic.

While he believes it’s a positive step, he also would like to see the government make Saskatchewan workers and businesses a priority for these projects by implementing a Sask. First procurement model.

“When we build our roads, our hospitals, our schools with our tax dollars, we should absolutely be doing that with our companies and our workers,” said Meili.

“There are a lot of people and a lot of companies from Saskatchewan that know how to build and are ready to do so if given the opportunity. It is absolutely the time for us to invest in the people of Saskatchewan by stimulating the economy and creating jobs.”

He noted that the government hasn’t made it a priority with some of the province’s major projects in recent memory.

“Over the last year, whether it’s the Regina Bypass being built by a company out of France or the power plant in Swift Current and upcoming one in Moose Jaw being built by American companies, there’s a tendency for major projects to go to companies from out of Saskatchewan and hiring workers from out of Saskatchewan.”

Meili also repeated his call for oversight by bringing back some form of legislative accountability so questions can be asked regarding the province’s decisions during the pandemic.


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