The first crop report of the season says seeding is 9 percent complete across Saskatchewan.
Seeding is ahead of the five year average of six percent for this time of year.
Abnormally cool spring weather delayed field operations in many parts of the province, but warmer weather has enabled a big push to get seed in the ground.
Seeding ranges from 19 percent in the southwest, 11 percent in the southeast, six percent in west central, five percent in east-central and northwest, and 2 percent in the northeast.
There was some light rain and snow this past week with the greatest amount in the Porcupine Plain area at 22 millimeters.
Topsoil mosture is below normal with cropland rated 1 percent surplus, 41 percent adequate, 44 percent short and 14 percent very short.
There are reports of winterkill in winter wheat, fall rye and other fall seeded crops and farmers are assessing damage to determine if re-seeding is needed.