Canadian Cancer Society thrilled with province’s decision to consider vaping regulations

The provincial government has announced it will be discussing vaping regulations during the fall session, and the Canadian Cancer Society is thrilled by the news.

This is something the society has been fighting for in Saskatchewan, since most of the country already has regulations in place.

Health policy analyst with the Canadian Cancer Society Donna Pasiechnik said they would like to see vaping products treated the same as tobacco in terms of how they are promoted and displayed.

She mentioned how tobacco products have been kept out of sight with no promotions allowed in stores for nearly 20 years. Pasiechnik would like to see the same rules applied to vaping products in convenience stores across Saskatchewan so they aren’t at eye level with youth when they walk into a shop.

Another change she’d like to see in place is increasing the age of purchase from 18 years of age to 19.

“We know the lower the age, the more likely teens will have access to these products and particularly in schools where there is a huge issue,” said Pasiechnik.

“There are fewer 19-year-olds in grade 12 than 18-year-olds, and by increasing the age, you lower the chances of older kids purchasing the product for younger kids.”

The organization has asked the province to look into restricting flavoured vaping products to adult only vape shops. She feels the same rules should apply like it was before the legalization of vaping products.

“These products were intended for adults to help them quit smoking, but this experiment has gone off the rails and we now see more kids that are vaping than smoking.”

Pasiechnik hopes to see new legislation passed during the fall session.

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