(Jamie) What Are You Doing Sleeping In Our Umbrella?

Yesterday morning after work I headed out to the backyard to check on our flowers. I planted them a couple of weeks ago during my vacation and I was checking to see whether or not they might need a little water. After that I sat down at the patio table and threw the dogs toy around for him to get him a little ecercise.

On the table I noticed some kind of weird poop. It reminded me of mouse poop, but it was a little bigger than that. Plus, why in the world would a mouse jump up on a patio table to relieve itself? I swept the little pellets of the table and didn’t give it another thought.

When my wife got home from work we decided to sit on the deck with a coffee and enjoy the nice weather. I noticed some more poop on the table. I could have sworn I swept everything of the table only a few hours earlier. Hmm. I was stumped.

My wife suggested to look inside our umbrella which was rolled down. When I rolled the umbrella open I discovered the source of the mysterious table poop. Inside the umbrella, right at the very top was a small bat having a nice little nap, waiting for the sun to go down.

I’d never seen a bat sleep inside our umbrella before. I remember at our old radio station on Halifax St. there were a couple of bats inside the station. One was even flying around one morning sending everyone under their desks!

I opened up the umbrella and came back in about 10 minutes. The bat decided to move on to another spot where no one would bother him during his slumber.

I thought the whole thing was rather neat. My wife didn’t.

When I get home today I’ll head straight out to the deck and look for the telltale signs that my new little friend decided to take up residence under our umbrella again.

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