(Jamie) Where Were All The Men?

Last Friday I was broadcasting from the Our Best To You Arts and Crafts Show at the International Trade Centre. During the 5 hours I was there I noticed something was missing. What was it? I couldn’t put my finger on it right away, but then it hit me. I knew what was missing. Men!

What? Guys don’t like going to craft shows? Are they crazy?

I talked to many women who dropped by my booth to say hi. They’d be with their moms or daughters, or both. I’d ask, “Where’s your husband?” It was always the same answer. At home.

There were men there, but you could tell they’d rather be elsewhere. They’d be tagging along, looking like they were taking that long lonely walk to the gallows. I kind of felt sorry for them. They’d shoot me a look as if to say, “Help me.” Sorry pal, you’re on your own. If you were as smart as all of the husbands that didn’t show up, you’d have faked some kind of illness. I can’t help you now. It’s too late at this point.

I did notice some husbands sitting by themselves in the concourse where the food vendors were set up. They’d just be sitting there all alone having a coffee or a quick bite to eat, which they would drag out for as long as possible. I asked one gentleman where his wife was. “Inside with our granddaughter” was his solemn  reply. Poor guy. Some soft violin music wouldn’t have been out of place at that moment.

Gentlemen, in this blog, there is a lesson to be learned. The night before a trade show, it’s not uncommon to suddenly develop a slight fever that will last right up until the moment your wife and daughters depart the house for hours of browsing and shopping at the next arts and crafts show.

I would usually encourage guys to stay healthy, but just in case there are some more craft shows coming up before Christmas, I don’t think I will.

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