(Jamie) Can We Speed Things Up Here Just A Bit Please?

The one thing I enjoy about Agribition is running into people I know and getting a chance to catch up on things. It seems I can’t take ten steps without seeing somebody I know. Some I see a lot through the course of the year, some I haven’t seen in a long time. Some I remember vividly, some I remember vaguely.

I ran into a couple people who are coming on our Flea Market trip to Cuba in February and I always seem to run into others who’ve traveled with us in the past. A few of the people I end up chatting with have exhibits at the show and only roll through Regina during Agribition time.

The one thing I don’t enjoy about Agribition is the pace at which everything moves. It’s way too slow for an impatient guy like me. If people aren’t moving at a snail’s pace, they’re stopped in the middle of the lane chatting to someone. Grrr.

I guess there’s at least there’s one good thing about a slow moving crowd. You get a chance to practice up for those trips to the stores for Christmas shopping!

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