(Jamie) There It Is…Christmas Music…Everywhere!

If there’s one thing that I noticed during my running around this weekend, it’s that the Christmas music is in full swing everywhere. It didn’t matter where I went, music systems were blaring the songs for the season.

It’s not that I don’t like or appreciate Christmas music, I just can’t listen to it every minute of every day for one whole month in a row!

I’ve got my list of favourites, like Feliz Navidad and Snoopy’s Christmas, among others, but how many different versions of Silent Night, White Christmas, or Jingle Bells do we really need? Everyone who records a Christmas album seems to add at least one of those, if not all, to their album!

When I was growing up, my mom would start playing her Christmas albums on December 1st and wouldn’t stop until Christmas was done! All month long I’d be down in my bedroom listening to my Kiss albums! You’d never get Gene Simmons or Paul Stanley to stoop low enough to record a version of Silent Night. Their music was anything but silent, as my dad would remind me of, time and time again.

I really don’t mind hearing Christmas music in small doses. I just can’t listen to it all of the time.

Uh oh. Looks like I’d better change my name to Scrooge Lewis for the rest of the month!

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