Producer Commissions Working Together on Carbon and Grain Marketing Resolutions

Two resolutions were passed at multiple online annual general meetings on Tuesday.

The carbon tax resolution asks the federal government to recognize and reward farmers for carbon dioxide sequestered in agricultural soils through continuous cropping, as well as reduced or zero till.

The other resolution calls for the establishment of an Export Sales Reporting program—similar to the United States. Data would be reported daily, compiled weekly and released in a timely fashion.

In presenting the resolution at the SaskWheat Development Commission meeting, Strasbourg area farmer Brent Johnson (who is also SaskBarley vice chair) said “markets work best when all players have access to the same information.”

Each commission will take the resolutions back to their boards for discussion.

“Resolutions are advisory in nature, but having said that, we also recognize the fact that a large number of producers have put forward two very positive resolutions and that will carry a lot of weight at the board tables,” said Brett Halstead, chair of the Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission.

Halstead expects some action will be taken on the resolutions prior to the next annual general meeting. The exact wording of both resolutions are below:

#1 Resolution  Sask Wheat received 2 forms of this resolution and we believe that the current form of this resolution being shown incorporates the intent of each resolution.

WHEREAS wheat producers in Saskatchewan have found significant gaps in information for the marketing of their production;

WHEREAS markets function best when all parties have access to the same information;

WHEREAS Canada currently does not have mandatory export sales data reporting and the greater portion of Saskatchewan producer s wheat is exported;

BE IT RESOLVED that Sask Wheat work with other commissions and organizations to advocate for the establishment of an Export Sales Reporting Program where all sales over the set minimum volume for wheat, wheat products and other crops, must be reported daily, to be compiled weekly, and released in a timely fashion, to add valuable knowledge to aid producers in the marketing of their production.

#2 Resolution

WHEREAS long term studies initiated and supported by Saskatchewan growers and endorsed by Ag Canada soil scientists prove that continuous cropping and reduced or zero till prove effective in sequestering C02 in Saskatchewan agricultural soils;

WHEREAS this removal and storage will be an essential contribution to this and other Nations net zero targets;

WHEREAS the Federal Government has put a value on emissions;

BE IT RESOLVED that commissions and associations lobby to have Saskatchewan farmers recognized and rewarded for these removals that correlates to the price of pollution set by governments.



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