Yesterday after work I took my vehicle over to get the heater fixed that I blogged about yesterday. I turned out to be the blower motor. I was told it would take a couple of hours, maybe a little more, maybe a little less. I figured that wasn’t too bad of a wait time so I opted out of a ride home from their shuttle service.
I headed across the street for a cup of coffee and some breakfast and proceeded to kill some time. When I got to the restaurant the first thing that hit me was there was a lady sitting at a table sobbing, and not quietly either.
After I sat down to eat I noticed a table of guys shooting the breeze over a couple of coffees. You couldn’t help but notice them. There was one member of their party whose booming voice could be heard over everything, including the sobbing woman, who hadn’t stopped since I came in. That guy was so loud the first thing I thought to myself was, “Is that what I sound like?” People say I can be a little loud myself at times!
By the time I had finished my breakfast, the loud guy and his buddies had vacated the premises, but the sobbing woman hadn’t. I was surprised the manager didn’t make an appearance to check on the woman’s welfare. Maybe he did before I got there. I was actually quite glad to get out of there. A strange breakfast experience indeed.
After I hit a couple of stores to kill some more time I made my way back to the dealership to wait in peace and quiet. And wait I did. I finally drove off the lot at 3:45, nearly 4 1/2 hours after I first arrived. If I had known I was going to be there that long, I would have taken the shuttle driver up on his earlier offer of a lift home!
At least it was worth the wait. Nothing like having a fully functional heater for the drive in to work on a chilly morning!