Round one of Saskatchewan men’s and women’s amateur golf championship in the books

After 18 holes, Regina’s Alex Schmidt is the leader at the Saskatchewan Women’s Amateur Golf Championship being played in Swift Current.
Schmidt, who plays at the Royal Regina, has a six shot lead on Autumn Neisnzer and Ella Kozak in the 54 hole event after shooting a 74.
At the men’s amateur also happening in Swift Current, Roman Timmerman of Saskatoon is the leader after shooting a 7-under 65.  That is three better than Danny Klughart of Prince Albert.  Timmerman started strong shooting three birdies in his first six holes before he put together a string of five straight birdies on the back nine holes to open a three-stroke lead on Prince Albert’s Danny Klughart.
Klughart sits atop the leaderboard at the mid-amateur championship as he looks for his third straight title.

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