NDP Asks For Revised Back To School Plan

The Saskatchewan NDP is asking the provincial government redo their homework.

Leader Ryan Meili says the back to school plan doesn’t have enough clarity and puts the responsibility for reopening schools on the school divisions, so he is urging the government to revise and resubmit their plan.

In the plan released on Tuesday, class sizes remain the same and masks are not mandatory for staff or students in its phase called Level 1.

Masks could be mandated in Level 2, but Meili says there are no specific guidelines on when or what protocols would mean a move to the second level.

He points out that Alberta has announced masks would be mandatory for staff and for students in Grade 4 and up and Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam recommends children over 10 be required to wear masks at school.

Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia all have rules around masks at school as well.

Making sure that testing is available more quickly, properly resourcing schools, making PPE available, making distance learning available, figuring out how to deal with outbreaks and decreasing class sizes are the NDP’s priorities in a revised plan.


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