Provincial opposition looking for answers during fall sitting

One year after Scott Moe and the Sask. Party claimed victory in the 2020 provincial election, the provincial opposition say they have failed on keeping their election promises.

NDP Leader Ryan Meili says since being reelected as Premier, Scott Moe has failed the residents of the province.

Meili says the people of Saskatchewan deserve better leadership. “We’re a year out from this election, what do we see, thousands out of work, we see a homeless tent city in the middle of our capital city, we see a government that promised to balanced the budget and then broke that promise six months later. Scott Moe never had any intention of balancing the budget, he’s never done so and there’s no real chance he ever will.”

Ahead of the fall sitting of the legislature, the provincial opposition is promising that they will hold the Saskatchewan government accountable. The NDP leader says during the fall sitting that they won’t make it easy for Moe. “He has failed Saskatchewan people and there’s no room for us to give him a free ride after he has made these choices, deliberate decisions that are going to cost people their lives, we’re not holding back at all.”

Opposition house leader Vicki Mowat says they will be focusing on the current health emergency in the province. “If this is not an emergency I don’t know what is, that includes prosecuting the governments failures during the 4th wave of COVID-19 and there are many facets to these failures and one of them the government, Premier Moe has been ignoring advice from experts across the province.”

Mowat added other issues they will be taking the provincial government to task include the back to school plan this past fall and the lack of consultation with small businesses with the rollout of the vaccine passport.

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