The Saskatchewan NDP are calling for emergency action to help curb the spread of COVID-19 and support for local businesses during a second wave.
Economy and Jobs Critic Aleana Young says there needs to be a plan in place to help small businesses make it through the second wave.
“Businesses are still hurting here in Saskatchewan, and even without a shutdown, we’re facing real challenges,” said Young. “Most businesses rely on a good summer, especially in places like Saskatchewan, to make it through. Significantly, most businesses need a good holiday season, and right now with the (COVID-19) numbers spiking, if we don’t get this right it’s going to be a disaster for small businesses.”
Young says the government is providing a lack of information, clarity, and a plan on how to deal with the second wave.
NDP Leader Ryan Meili says the government needs to be honest with residents about what they’re planning.
He adds Premier Moe should be looking at neighbour provinces to figure out what to do to make sure Saskatchewan doesn’t follow in their path.
“Talk to Alberta, talk to Manitoba, talk to North Dakota, all these neighbouring jurisdictions where the case numbers have risen quickly, and they’re further along on the same trajectory that Saskatchewan is on right now,” said Meili. “Talk to them and ask them, what do they wish they’d done a month ago, three weeks ago, to prevent the serious, tragic, events that are occurring there right now.”
Manitoba entered another lockdown period Thursday, with Alberta considering expanded measures due to case increases.
After the Premier criticized Prime Minister Justin Trudeau after he offered to help provinces with COVID-19, Young says Moe is more focused on playing politics than dealing with the pandemic.
“When the Prime Minister says, ‘Let us know what we can do to help you’, I think there’s some real questions for the people of Saskatchewan to be asking of the federal government,” said Young.