Play 92 Helping Bring Games to Sacred Heart Community School

Monopoly games, Scrabble matches’ and copious rounds of Battleship are often the hallmark of family Christmas celebrations – with lasting memories formed around kitchen tables.

For some of the students at Regina’s Sacred Heart Community School – board games are not always a part of the plan.

Sacred Heart Community School is hoping to bring board games to families in the community – and PLAY 92 is helping the effort.

“Thank you to PLAY 92 for promoting this for us, this is amazing!” beamed Vice Principal Lindsay Morhart.

“We offer a Santa store to our students each year, collecting donations for things the kids can shop and bring home to their families. This year we are collecting brand new board games. We’re hoping each family can take home one or two games.”

“Having fun, building community and building connections is so important. Games help build skills in the kids like taking turns, being a good winner, and a good loser. The hope is that this will be something that lasts beyond the holidays,” said Morhart.

Sacred Heart serves about 340 kids – each family will be encouraged to pickup a game or two – the school needs a few hundred games to make this happen.

Bring your new board games to Sacred Heart School at 1325 Argyle street via the 7th avenue doors. Games should be brought to the office.

Century Studios is the secondary location games can be brought to at the corner of Rose and 12th Avenue.

Play 92 and 620 CKRM are both owned by parent company Harvard Media.


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