One week ago, Sandra Masters was named Regina’s new mayor.
Masters had never entered the world of civic politics before deciding to run and comes into the job with no experience at that level.
It is the same situation Pat Fiacco encountered when he became mayor in 2000 having never had a role in civic politics so he knows what Masters will go through in her first couple of weeks as she gets up to date with many things.
Fiacco is offering some advice with one of the biggest pieces being to absorb the information given.
“It’s a bit intimidating at first and a little overwhelming, but once you start working with administration, they guide you through a lot of things like processes and procedures.” Fiacco said. “The clerk’s office is amazing and some councillors helped out as well, but it’s really important at the beginning to just listen more than you talk. That won’t take long though as Sandra should soon learn very quickly that that part comes easy, it’s the other things like decision-making that become difficult.”
There will also be five new councillors working alongside Masters to go alongside five councillors that were re-elected. Fiacco was the only “new kid on the block” in 2000 and he was very appreciative of the help he got from returnees. He says what he did learn was to be on the same page and come together with a strategic plan so that everyone knows what individual goals are and what those goals mean for the best interest of the community.
“The worst thing is to have a fractured council, but the best thing is to have a united council that understands you won’t agree on everything because it won’t happen.”Fiacco said. “It’s good to have an open mind though when debate begins and that those who are lean to the left or lean to the right just make the right decisions for the City of Regina. Those political leanings have to be put to the side or else the next four years will be tough.”
Fiacco feels Masters will do an excellent job in the mayor’s chair, but if there are questions about what to expect being a first-time mayor or a first-time councillor, he is always available for advice if it is asked for.