Provincial NDP criticizes government’s image choice for World AIDS Day post

The Saskatchewan NDP’s leader said it was “very inappropriate” by the Saskatchewan Party government to use a photo of two men to promote World AIDS Day on Tuesday.

The image, which showed the men standing side by side with the words “HIV is on the rise in Saskatchewan” and “It’s treatable. Get tested”, was taken down by the government after taking flak for the decision. The government apologized afterwards.

After question period on Wednesday afternoon, Meili suggested they see stereotypes being used from that message from the Sask. Party government.

“I was really disappointed to see that sort of homophobic message coming out in a tweet,” he said. “I’m glad to see that the government has taken it down and apologized.”

“That was the only image chosen and you see how the LGBTQ2+ community is responding to that by feeling really stigmatized by the choice.”

Photo: Government of Saskatchewan

Health Minister Paul Merriman said he was “extremely disappointed” by the post. He added how that’s not the message this government or the minister of health and minister of rural and remote health want to portray.

“I recognize it’s very disappointing that that was the image people were seeing when we put out an image on a day that should be celebrated of how far we have come with the treatment of AIDS,” shared Merriman.

“It was disappointing that image was out there.”

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