NDP launches provincial election campaign

The provincial NDP launched their campaign Tuesday morning in front of the Legislature.

NDP Leader Ryan Meili says his party aims to put people first, while Scott Moe’s government is one that will make costly and dangerous cuts to education and health care budgets during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“New Democrats are committed to a different vision of a government that puts Saskatchewan first so that when we build our roads, our hospitals, our schools, we’re building with our tax dollars (and) that money stays in Saskatchewan with our companies and our workers doing the building,” Meili said. “We make sure these workers earn a decent wage as we jumpstart local economies by raising the minimum wage to $15/hour.”

Meili says their plan includes investments that will help the economy get moving in Saskatchewan.

“In this campaign, we’re saying loud and clear to the people of Saskatchewan ‘you have a choice,’” Meili said. “You don’t have to settle for Scott Moe and the status quo, you can vote for the change you want and get it with a New Democratic government.”

Meanwhile, Meili says the Sask. party is running on an austerity platform, adding Saskatchewan has seen this before.

“In 2017, when they shut down STC, cut health, cut education, tried to sell-off SaskTel and SGI, and if they’re re-elected, it will only be worse — austerity on steroids,” Meili said. “This is all Scott Moe knows. Scott Moe and the Sask. Party are out of ideas.”

The province goes to the polls on October 26th.


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