Coldness this week with a bit of snow on the side

Weather ForecastTemperatureChance Precip
This Afternoon *Extreme Cold Warning*
Cloud mixng with sunshine   Wind: N-NW 15-30 diminishing to 10-20 km/hSteady near -27°   Wind Chill: -4120%
Periods of light snow / 1-2 cm   Wind: N 10-20 km/hLow: -27°   Wind Chill: -3660%
Light snow showers or flurries / 2-3cm   Wind: NW 15-30 km/hHigh: -25°   Wind Chill: -3860%
Friday Night
Light snow diminishing / 1-2 cm   Wind: NW 15-30 km/hLow: -30°   Wind Chill: -4150%
Early cloud then sunshine – frigid   Wind: NW 15-25 km/hSteady near -30°   Wind Chill: -410%
Mostly sunny – frigidHigh: -26°0%
Mostly sunny – frigidHigh: -22°0%

Normal High:  -11°             Normal Low: -23°

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