Farmers can get a sneak peak on insured prices for crops through CropConnect on SCI Website

An announcement of the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance program details for 2024 will be made the morning of Tuesday, March 5 in Melville by Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister David Marit. However, insured prices for the various crops are now available online.

You won’t find the prices on the main part of the website, but if you’re a producer set up with CropConnect access to your account on the website, you can find the prices and your coverage details for the upcoming year. In past years, this info hasn’t been available until after the official program announcement. Here are some of the insured prices:

Spring wheat is at $8.55 a bushel, with the crop insurance durum price at $10.86 a bushel. Barley is at $5.44 with flaxseed is $13.85 a bushel. Canola comes in at $15.08 a bushel, more than a dollar a bushel lower than Manitoba’s crop insurance price. Manitoba bases its prices off of a December price estimate, whereas Saskatchewan uses a January price estimate from Agriculture Canada. At $15.08 a bushel, the insured canola price is still well above what futures prices are currently indicating for new crop. Field peas are $9.58 a bushel.

Canary seed is 36 cents a pound, similar or slightly above what new crop contracts have been offering. Yellow mustard is 67 cents a pound with brown and oriental both at 52 cents. Large kabuli chickpeas have an insured price of 46 cents a pound, similar to new crop contract offerings. Lentils are a bit of a surprise. The crop insurance price on large green lentils is 44 cents a pound whereas new crop contracts are now 56 cents or more. Red lentils are insured at only 28 cents a pound whereas new crop contracts are 31 or 32 cents a pound.

If you have CropConnect established through the Sask Crop Insurance website, you can generate all your insurance information. Typically, contract changes need to be made by March 31.

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