Every Driver Stopped by Police in Regina in March Will Have to Give Breath Sample.

There is no question Saskatchewan has an impaired driving problem. This province frequently sits at the top of the list of provinces with high cases of impaired driving.

To combat that, Regina Police and SGI are taking advantage of a law passed in 2018 which allows police to demand a breath sample, even if they have no grounds, or suspicions the driver is impaired.

The law was controversial when in came into effect in December of 2018 as some felt this constituted a violation of civil rights, as the law removed the need for “probable cause” before a breath sample could be demanded.

Starting March 1st, and for the entire month of March every driver stopped for any driving infraction will have to give a breathalyser test. Refusing a test can land the driver in legal trouble as well.

Drivers who pass the test will get a smile from officers and a gift card for a free coffee. For people who don’t pass, the outcome won’t be nearly as “smiley”.

This appears to be only a roadside screening test for alcohol, and does not include testing for cannabis or other illicit drugs.

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