For their Traffic Safety Spotlight this May, SGI is focusing on being alert about the right of way and paying attention to traffic control devices.
“Collisions occur frequently at intersections, during turns and lane changes,” said JP Cullen, Chief Operating Officer of the Auto Fund. “We’re asking drivers to remain alert and aware of the simple actions they can take to help keep themselves and others safe on the road.”
Drivers are encouraged to take extra care at intersections and always look both ways before entering any intersection. This includes anticipating the traffic light changing to avoid running through an amber or red light, signalling, and using correct procedures for turning – don’t rely on other drivers to execute their turns correctly.
Drivers can receive a $230 ticket and four demerits for failing to stop at a red light or stop sign, yielding to a pedestrian at a yield sign, or in an uncontrolled intersection.
To avoid collisions, SGI says it’s important to be alert and yield the right of way:
- Be alert and eliminate distractions. Driving requires your full, undivided attention. Keep your focus on the road.
- Always come to a complete stop before the crosswalk or stop line at stop signs and red lights and proceed when safe.
- If the intersection allows right turns at a red light, ensure you come to a complete stop. Wait for approaching traffic and pedestrians to clear before entering the first available driving lane.
- When turning left on a green light, ensure oncoming traffic and pedestrians have cleared before proceeding.
- At uncontrolled intersections, always yield to the vehicle on the right.
- Ensure there’s room for you to merge into a lane before making your move.
- Watch for pedestrians. Please allow them to cross safely and yield to them where appropriate.