(Gloria) Visiting? Try this!

You just got into Regina, where and what will you do.

Visiting family or passing through the Queen City during the summer holds some surprises including heading to an outdoor pool located in the expanse of Wascana Park or herding the geese that mob you!

Yesterday, rolling along the streets and bike paths I encountered some of the geese!  They are pretty brazen with their hissing or can be just lazy lounging along the pathway trying to stay cool.  On the far east end of the lake, you’ll see the pelicans and other water fowl just kind of soaking up the sun in the reeds.  Candy Cane Park is a fun little spot for the kids to run off some energy.  If you bring your own coals and starter fluid, have a bbq or just sit in the shade with a sandwich.

A trip into Wascana Park affords you the fresh air, big prairie skies as well as the sounds of the birds, bugs and perhaps late at night the howl of a coyote or loon.

The spots I picked to visit yesterday included the Science Centre / IMAX Theatre and the MacKenzie Art Gallery.

The Imax has three features rotating through and the one I chose for Monday was Magnificent Desolation – Walking on the Moon. As a kid I was enthralled by space exploration.  I wish I would have paid closer attention!  Don’t we all.  Teachers are just so important in turning on the light to give us a dream, as sometimes families just don’t ignite that.   Maybe by taking a nephew, niece or grandchild to this 40 minute feature you will do exactly what a parent hasn’t done.  Remember back fifty years ago, the technology was completely different and very basic.   Kids today have a giant leap on what we knew!

IMAX Feature

Construction on roadways around the park take you on a bit of a detour, including through the Science Centre parking lot, so slow down.  This is probably all the detour you will see.   A walk around the small part of the park is about an hour, depending at what speed you like to go!  And there are bike rentals too.  The Marina offers a few other choices of transport, why not try canoeing or a paddle board.

If you head to the MacKenzie Art Gallery, take your wallet.  There is a Gallery fee of $10 for adults, but the gift shop is open to general public.  Lots of treasures there including Saskatchewan works of art.  With social media communications, we may have lost the art of sending postcards, do yourself a favour and send a friend a piece of mail from Saskatchewan!   The staff at the gallery are friendly, the art work you’ll see in the collection is unique plus there is a cafe in the building.  You might want to check the gallery’s website for details.

One of the highlights is the current exhibition of Victor Cicansky   Gallery Time!

A visit to Regina can be very rewarding, you just need to give the city a chance.  Grab your walking shoes and start exploring. Maybe today, it will be a visit to the Royal Saskatchewan Museum.  You want to see a real T-Rex, check out Scotty!


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