CTF tours the country saying taxpayers are losing out on money without pipelines in Canada

People in Saskatchewan and Canada are losing money because governments are blocking pipelines.

This from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation who stopped in Regina on Thursday to discuss the issue on a country-wide tour.

Alberta Director Franco Terrazzano says Canada needs a working regulatory system so it can build these large pipeline projects that create jobs. “So we have seen Northern Gateway get rejected, we saw the proposal of the discriminatory tanker banned, we saw the regulatory goalposts being moved for Energy East and the whole Trans Mountain episode has been a debacle. The government has rid a whole bunch of taxpayer cash and that project still remains in a state of purgatory. We need a regulatory system.”

Terrazzano says when we can’t get pipelines built and get the full value out of Canada’s oil, taxpayers lose out on money. “Since 2013 the Saskatchewan government has lost over $600-million and that number is going up by $280,000 every single day. Since 2013, Canadian taxpayers across the country has lost out on over $6-billion.”

“That can be used to build hospitals, hire teachers and lower taxes,” He adds.

CTF is continuing this cross country tour and will hit ever province in Canada before making it’s final stop in Alberta.

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