Yesterday after work I thought I’d roll on over to the car wash and give my vehicle a long overdue and much needed bath.
I was just hoping that there would be a bay available. Considering how nice the weather was, I figured I might have a little wait on my hands. One thing I did have on my side was the time of day. At 10:30 in the morning I really didn’t think I’d have a problem finding an open bay, but I’ve been there before at that time and had to wait in line! Fortunately, there were only a few other vehicles there, so finding a wash stall was no problem.
To my greater surprise, everything worked as it should. When I selected the “soap” dial for the wash, there was actually soapy water coming out of the wand. I can’t tell you how many times that hasn’t happened. In my mind, I was already ahead of the game. An open bay, plus soapy water. It was like winning the car wash lottery. Things got even better!
Even though my vehicle was quite dirty I didn’t think I’d need to use the brush. I’ve had occasions where that thing didn’t work either. So, that was another good thing! No wasted loonies on a brush that might or might not be working. Yesterday was turning out to be a real winner!
It felt good to beat the car wash for once. Usually I’m at the losing end of these encounters, swearing I’ll never go back to that car wash ever, but I always do. Yesterday was sweet revenge!
The best part? I don’t have the dirtiest vehicle on our block anymore.