Mostly cloudy with brisk winds, perhaps a flurry or two

Weather ForecastTemperatureChance Precip
Mostly cloudy with brisk winds – Perhaps a flurry or two   Wind: NW 25-50 km/hLow: -17°40%
Sun in and out from cloudiness – Brisk breeze diminishing as the day progresses – Colder   Wind: W/NW 20-45 km/hHigh: -17°10%
Wednesday Night
Turning mostly cloudy – Potential for some flurries late   Wind: S-SE 15-25 km/hLow: -21° rising overnight40%
A cloudy start with perhaps a few flurries around followed by some sun in and out from the cloudiness – Moderating temperatures   Wind: S-SW 15-25 km/hHigh: -7°40%
A mixture of sunshine and cloud cover with continued temperature moderationHigh: 1ׄ°10%
Partial sunshine through cloudinessHigh: 2°10%

Normal High: -8°                Normal Low: -18°

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