Mostly sunny

Weather ForecastTemperatureChance Precip
Extreme Cold Warning
This Afternoon
Mostly sunny   Wind: W-SW 10-15 km/hHigh: -25°   Wind Chill: -35°0%
Partly cloudy   Wind: SE 10-15 km/hLow: -33°   Wind Chill: -45°20%
Clouds and occasional sun   Wind: E-SE 5-10 km/hHigh: -21°   Wind Chill: -28°20%
Thursday Night
Partly cloudy   Wind: NE 10-20 km/hLow: -30°20%
Partly sunny   Wind: N-NE 10-20 km/hHigh: -20°20%
Partly sunnyHigh: -22°20%
Partly sunnyHigh: -23°20%

Normal High: -7°                Normal Low: -19°

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