Premier Moe reflects on one-year anniversary of first COVID case in Sask.

Friday marks one year since the provincial government announced its first case of COVID-19 in Saskatchewan. The Saskatchewan government launched the state of emergency six days after the first positive case.

Premier Scott Moe noted the one-year mark earlier in the week when the province announced amended restrictions to private household gatherings due to stabilized case and hospitalization numbers.

During Tuesday’s government update, Moe acknowledged how difficult of a year it has been for all residents of the province.

“It has especially been difficult for families and friends of the Saskatchewan residents who we have lost due to COVID,” stated the premier. “I would once again like to express my deepest condolences to all.”

He said while it has been one of the worst years imaginable, he noted how he has also seen the very best from the people of this province.

“Everyone has made sacrifices. Everyone has changed their entire to not only protect themselves, but protect those around them,” Moe said. “We have asked so very much of you and I once again would like to thank all Saskatchewan people for what you have done.”

Since the first COVID-19 case was detected in the province, Saskatchewan has reported over 30,000 cases and more than 400 deaths.

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