(Jamie) Don’t Believe Everything You See On TV

Yesterday afternoon I was watching TV when a commercial came on for a product that is supposed to remove scratches from vehicles, appropriately named “Scratch Doctor.” Hey, how can a doctor be wrong about something like that? Didn’t he go to school for nearly 10 years to learn about scratch removal? Now, I don’t have any scratches that need to be removed from my vehicle, but the commercial piqued my interest to the point where I thought I’d actually check out the online reviews for this “Scratch Doctor” product.

Well, not surprisingly, the reviews were not good at all. Apparently this doctor didn’t spend enough time in school. Hopefully he doesn’t extend his reach beyond car scratches. I’d hate to think he’s out there right now trying to remove someone’s gall bladder.

Are there any products on TV that work “as advertised” out there?

A couple of years ago I was looking for a new hose for the backyard and was intrigued by all of the commercials advertising those hoses that don’t kink up on you. There are many out there, but the “Pocket Hose” is the one that comes to mind. When my wife and I went online to check comments from consumers who bought this product, apparently those hoses doesn’t work “as advertised” either. It didn’t get good reviews at all. I was a bit disappointed. I really wanted one. Instead, I went to Canadian Tire and settled on “Flexzilla.” It’s the most I’ve ever spent on a hose, but it was well worth the $70. I’ve never seen one of those advertised on TV. Hey, this one works “as not advertised.”

I normally don’t endorse products, but when something works, why not tell other people right? Word of mouth is the best advertising money can’t buy.

So, if you’re looking for a good hose, I recommend the “Flexzilla.” As a hose, it’s as nasty as it’s name suggests.

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