The union representing around 4,700 workers at SaskTel, two of their subsidiaries along with SaskPower, Sask Energy, SaskWater and the Water Security agency have given notice that “work-to-rule” job action will begin Monday morning.
Unifor released a statement Saturday afternoon saying no further negotiations with the provincial government are planned for the weekend and the two sides remain at an impasse so job action is being taken. The statement goes on to say that while the “work-to-rule” campaign will start Monday morning at 12:01, a full strike will occur on Friday, October 4 if no deal is reached.
“Picket lines are our last resort, but we’ve said from the start that wage freezes were simply not fair,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “Considering the Premier gave himself a 2.3% raise this year, Crown workers’ demands are more than reasonable.”
The provincial government issued a statement from Finance Minister Donna Harpauer Saturday night. That statement says the employers informed Unifor that their previously tabled offer stands “and further consideration would only be given to non-monetary requests.”
The statement goes on to say the government respects the right of Unifor members to take job action, but believe a strike is not in the best interest of the Crowns, Crown employees, and Crown shareholders – the people of Saskatchewan. In the event Unifor does strike, essential services agreements and business continuity plans are in place at all Crowns to ensure vital services to Saskatchewan people continue. We continue to believe that a resolution can be found through bargaining in good faith while respecting the resources that belong to Crown shareholders – the people of Saskatchewan.