Breaking News

60 new COVID-19 cases; 15 recoveries

Oct 25, 2020 | 2:16pm

The province is reporting 6o new cases of COVID-19 in Saskatchewan to go along with 15 recoveries.  It puts the active case count at 619. The new cases are located in the Far North West (1), North West (1), North Central (5), North East (5), Saskatoon (27), Central East (2), Regina (14) and South East […]

57 new cases of COVID-19; majority in people aged 0-39

Oct 21, 2020 | 1:46pm

The number of active COVID-19 cases in Saskatchewan now sits at 469. This after the province informs us of 57 new cases and 15 new recoveries on Wednesday. The new cases are located in the Far North East (1), North West (1), North Central (17), North East (4), Saskatoon (14), Central West (2), Central East […]

Thirty-six new cases of COVID-19 in Sask; 9 more recoveries

Oct 17, 2020 | 2:23pm

There are 36 new cases of COVID-19 in Saskatchewan, bringing the total to 2,306 cases. Ten of the new cases are located in Saskatoon, 6 are in the Far North East, 6 are in the North Central, 4 are in Regina, 3 are in the North West, 3 are in North East, 1 is in […]

34 COVID-19 cases being reported in SK

Oct 10, 2020 | 2:20pm

For the first time since August 14, the province is reporting more than 30 new cases of COVID-19.   On Saturday, we were told there are 34 new cases of the virus.   The new cases are located in the Far North East (4), North West (1), North Central (7), North East (1), Saskatoon (3), Central West […]

SHA investigating multi-jurisdictional community outbreak from Prince Albert events

Oct 7, 2020 | 1:39pm

​The Saska​tchewan Health Authority has declared a multi-jurisdictional community transmitted outbreak stemming from events from September 14 to October 4 in Prince Albert. Dr. Khami Chokani, medical health officer for Prince Albert, officially declared the outbreak on Wednesday, October 7. According to a release from the SHA, the outbreak appears to trace back to a […]

Active case count of COVID-19 goes down a bit more in SK

Oct 6, 2020 | 2:11pm

The province is reporting 16 new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday with 20 new recoveries.  It means the active case count is now at 139. Six of the 16 new cases are in Saskatoon with three in the East-central zone, two in Regina and the south-east zone and one each in the north-central and Far […]

Friday’s COVID-19 numbers in SK show 13 new cases; none in Regina

Oct 2, 2020 | 2:00pm

Saskatchewan will go into the weekend with 147 active cases of COVID-19. Friday’s numbers show 13 new cases and 1o new recoveries. Six of the thirteen cases are in Saskatoon.  Four are in the East-central zone with one apiece in the northeast, north-central and south-central zones. Six people are in hospital, all are receiving inpatient […]

Twenty new cases of COVID-19 in Sask; 10 in Regina

Sep 20, 2020 | 1:48pm

There are 20 new cases of COVID-19 in Saskatchewan, half of which are in Regina, bringing the total to 1,807 reported cases. The rest of the new cases are located in the Saskatoon with 7, and 2 are in the South East zone. The location of one case is pending. The seven new cases reported […]

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