Cody Glydon’s blog

Former 620 CKRM Big Country Talent Contest winner releases new single to radio (AUDIO)

Apr 2, 2020 | 3:20pm

During these times of social distancing and self isolation it provides opportunities to catch up with some our talented singers and songwriters in Saskatchewan. I caught up with Shantaia Poulin, originally of Spiritwood, to talk about her latest song ‘I Wish You Would,’ a song that she says she instantly wanted to include on her […]

What is something new you’ve learned while social distancing?

Mar 31, 2020 | 9:29am

It’s nice to see many of you are taking the social distancing instructions very seriously these days as we continue our battle against COVID-19. I’m not sure about you but while I’ve been social distancing I’ve learned to start cooking better, specifically learning how to season food. I’m terrible at knowing what seasoning works with which […]

Jason Blaine talks about family, new music, and more on 620 CKRM (AUDIO)

Mar 26, 2020 | 2:47pm

Today (Thursday) we caught up with Canadian country singer Jason Blaine to talk about his latest song titled “Drink Too Much,” his new E.P., and how his family is doing during the COVID-19 crisis. He was planning to come to Regina in April to perform alongside Jojo Mason and Doc Walker at a Build Love […]

Do you remember your first apartment or home?

Mar 26, 2020 | 10:13am

I was thinking about my very first apartment the other day and how frightening it was to be living on one’s own. I was 18 years old when I moved to Saskatoon for the first time to go to broadcasting college and when I got there I had mixed emotions. There was fear because I […]

Who is on your social distancing country music playlist?

Mar 23, 2020 | 9:49am

We’re into another week of battling the spread of COVID-19 and that means more and more of us will be social distancing/self isolating to help contain the spread of the virus. Music always makes things better and helps pass the time whether it be on the radio or on your own personal playlist. I started […]

To gas up or not? That’s the question (Cody)

Mar 12, 2020 | 9:18am

As you know the oil markets have been very volatile the past few days which means gas prices have really taken hit, making fueling up at the pump much more affordable for you and me. It’s such a gamble right now as to when it’s a good time to actually gas up. Do you wait or […]

Rabbits. Rabbits everywhere!

Mar 11, 2020 | 9:10am

Perhaps it’s because of the nice weather but I’ve noticed a ton of jackrabbits running around my neighbourhood. I’ve literally got gangs of rabbits racing up and down the streets and back lanes and, admittedly, they’re cute little things to watch. However, over the weekend in my backyard I had the biggest, angriest looking rabbit I have […]

I legitimately had to buy toilet paper (Cody)

Mar 10, 2020 | 9:36am

A lot of talk these days about toilet paper and how many stores across the country are experiencing shortages because people seem to think they need to start stockpiling the stuff thanks to the Coronavirus. It makes it kind of awkward for those who legitimately need to buy toilet paper for their home because they’re […]

Could you get by without your cellphone in today’s world? (Cody)

Mar 9, 2020 | 9:49am

According to an interesting, but not so surprising study millennials felt agitated and uncomfortable without their cellphone for specific periods of time. It gets one thinking about their own cellphone use and how tethered we really are to these things in our day to day lives. We use them for our address book, picture taking, reading, […]

This weekend brings back many Telemiracle memories

Mar 6, 2020 | 9:25am

Telemiracle 44 gets underway this Saturday night and it’s hard to believe it’s been going for 44 years! It’s an exciting and wonderful tradition that has not only united the people of this province, but has helped countless Saskatchewanians make life a little bit easier for them. Every corner of Saskatchewan pitches in and donates […]

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