Cody Glydon’s blog

Number 1’s at 1 for July 15th

Jul 15, 2019 | 9:37am

Colin Lovequist will be basking in the prairie sun for the next couple of weeks which means I’ll be guest hosting Number 1’s at 1 periodically over the next two weeks! We have another solid show on the way today. One year ago today “I was Jack (You Were Diane)” by Jake Owen held the […]

Kippered Fish: YAY or NAY

Jul 10, 2019 | 9:19am

Last night I had to do a grocery run and pick up a few critical items before Country Thunder kicks off. I ended up forgetting most of the stuff I needed and bought a bunch of stuff that wasn’t bad, but I didn’t need it! One of those delicious items happened to be canned kippered […]

Happy Cow Appreciation day. Did you have a pet cow?

Jul 9, 2019 | 9:06am

Every dog has its day and even cows have their own day now! July 9th is cow appreciation day which was started by a fast food restaurant chain several years ago. For anybody who works with cattle (or used to work with them) will probably tell you they have at least one pet cow, maybe […]

42nd Annual Proudly Saskatchewan Showcase Winners

Jul 8, 2019 | 4:23pm

Congratulations and thanks to everybody who participated in this year’s Proudly Saskatchewan Showcase July 7th at The Tap in Regina. Participants included Brock Fehr, Justine Sletten, Amy Nelson, Kendra Kahl, Brett Michael Monka, Micah Walbaum, Val Halla, Jarrid Lee, Shayna Scherbey, and Tayler Tluchak. Our participants competed for the chance to win a recording and […]

Robo-texts are just as annoying as robocalls

Jul 8, 2019 | 8:56am

Yesterday afternoon as I was watching the weather radar to see if we were going to get nailed by a summer storm, I received my first political robo-text. I’ve heard of others getting them but I had never received one until yesterday. It said ” Hi, it’s Sarah from the Conservative Party. Can the Conservative Party […]

The last movie I saw at a Drive-in was……

Jul 3, 2019 | 10:08am

(Pictured: Twilite Drive-In in Wolseley. Photo from Twilite Drive-In Facebook page) At one time drive-in theatres on the prairies were almost as common as those brooding grain elevators keeping watch over their towns. It was a thrill for people of all ages to catch a “flick” at the drive-in. Some actually watched movies while others […]

Did you get married in Canada or outside of the country?

Jun 26, 2019 | 10:16am

Wedding season is upon us and the invites are coming in fast and furious, which is a great thing! In fact, I’ll be attending the wedding dance of some co-workers over the upcoming long weekend which I very much look forward to. A lot more couples nowadays are electing to hold their wedding outside of […]

Anyone else think a deck is therapeutic?

Jun 24, 2019 | 6:44am

Sunday turned out to be an excellent day after three damp and cool (but much needed) days in Saskatchewan. As I was sitting on my deck last night grumbling about how stiff and sore I was after softball, I started thinking about Monday’s show and what I was going to talk about. It occurred to […]

Have you ever eaten dandelion salad? Would you try it?

Jun 13, 2019 | 9:28am

The 13th of June is upon us already and supposedly it’s “weed your garden day” today, something that I’ve been doing almost every day it feels like. Almost everybody these days are dealing with those pesky dandelions in their yards. They may look pretty when they flower but they can spread and take over a […]

Can you identify this weed?

Jun 12, 2019 | 9:18am

Over the past few weeks I have been pulling weeds out by the handfuls in the yard. Last night I spent about three hours trying to stay ahead of a weed that is really taking over in my yard and in other neighbourhood yards as well I’ve noticed. Ripping weeds out is quite a workout […]

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