National News

Jobless Rate Lower in Saskatchewan, Across the Country

Mar 11, 2022 | 11:33am

Some more good economic news coming from Statistics Canada. The national unemployment rate dipped from 6.5 percent in January, to 5.5 percent in February. In Saskatchewan, the unemployment rate stayed below the national average, dropping to 4.7 percent, second only to  Quebec. As for the two largest cities in Saskatchewan, Saskatoon’s unemployment rate went up […]

Gas prices putting the crunch on Uber drivers

Mar 10, 2022 | 2:40pm

The prices at the pump are dipping into the pockets of  Uber drivers. Stephen Safinuk is a driver with Uber and he says the effects are definitely being felt. “I can’t imagine how this is impacting full time drivers. I’m part time, and this means an extra 2-3 hours a week for me. As gas […]

Truck Driver to be Deported, After Serving Sentence

Mar 9, 2022 | 3:53pm

Jaskirit Singh Sidhu will be deported from Canada, once he has finished serving his sentence for his role in the Humboldt Broncos bus crash. In April of 2018 Sidhu was driving a semi that ran through a stop sign, and collided with the bus carrying the SJHL hockey club’s players and support staff. 16 people […]

Fierce Fighting Around Nuclear Power Station in Ukraine

Mar 4, 2022 | 8:23am

A nuclear power plant in Ukraine, has been seized by the Russians. During fierce fighting during the night, there were concerns of a major radioactive event, as Russian artillery rounds and small arms fire erupted around the site. This power plant supplies about one quarter of the electricity to Ukraine. Flames were seen at the […]

The Russian invasion of Ukraine Continues for a 7th day

Mar 2, 2022 | 4:53pm

As the conflict moves into it’s 7th day Russian forces have renewed focus on a number of civilian targets. Russian forces have taken one of Ukraine’s largest centers – Kherson. Air space over numerous countries have been closed to Russian flights – including the united states and Canada. Sanctions continue to put a stranglehold on […]

Interest Rates nudging up for the first time in years.

Mar 2, 2022 | 9:25am

In a bid to slow the rising rate of inflation, the Bank of Canada is increasing interest rates today. Its prime rate is climbing from the rock bottom level of a quarter point (.25), to half a point, (.50). Brian Golly with Smart Investor Solutions, believes this is just the beginning.  Golly expects to see […]

Fighting misinformation in the age of the “digital war”

Feb 28, 2022 | 12:33pm

It has been said that the first casualty of any war – is the truth. In the last 5 years the concept of deception from the “main stream media” has become a hot topic both online and in real time around coffee row and the water cooler. Misinformation circulates about everything from the pandemic, to […]

Prime Minister Trudeau putting pressure on Russian elites and financial groups in wake of invasion

Feb 24, 2022 | 1:37pm

International reaction to the Russian invasion of the Ukraine  is coming swiftly – with promises to crush Poutin’s economic power. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke with  Ukrainian President Zelensky before he  addressed the nation today  – showing solidarity with the people of Ukraine. “Russia’s actions stand in direct opposition to the democratic principles that generations […]

Ukrainian leadership say at least 40 people killed from Russian attacks

Feb 23, 2022 | 10:03pm

It seems the latest moves involving the crisis in Ukraine, are now in motion. Wednesday night, in a televised address, Russian President Vladimir Putin said his country’s troops were involved in an operation in eastern Ukraine.  This is primarily the separatist held areas in the Donbas region. Putin went on to say  “Our plans are […]

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