Canadian Ag News

A different approach to upcoming annual farm group meetings

A different approach to upcoming annual farm group meetings

Nov 28, 2023 | 2:33pm
Some changes are coming to the meeting events organized by the crop commissions in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta over the next couple of months. There’s no longer one large meeting event with keynote speakers during Crop Production Week in Saskatoon. SaskCanola, Sask Wheat, SaskBarley, SaskFlax and Saskatchewan Pulse Growers are holding back-to-back annual business meetings […]
Forum being organized to discuss the future of agriculture

Forum being organized to discuss the future of agriculture

Nov 27, 2023 | 4:06pm
Nearly 10,000 randomly selected farms and ranches across Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba will have received an invitation to participate in a Citizens Assembly on Agriculture. From those who apply, 36 lottery-selected producers will gather to work on climate and sustainability solutions for agriculture. Producers can register for the process even if they didn’t receive an […]
Small Talk: Jim Smalley on going to Agribition as a visitor rather than a journalist

Small Talk: Jim Smalley on going to Agribition as a visitor rather than a journalist

Nov 24, 2023 | 10:40pm
This year’s Canadian Western Agribition took on a different meaning for a long-time agri-news journalist who recently retired. Former 620 CKRM Ag News Director Jim Smalley covered his first Agribition in 1975 and has gone every year until late-April of this year when he decided to hang up the headphones following a 50-year career in […]
Wheat Growers want no more delays in passing Bill C-234

Wheat Growers want no more delays in passing Bill C-234

Nov 16, 2023 | 4:21pm
The Wheat Growers want Ottawa to stop playing games with Bill C-234 and pass it. The bill that would exempt natural gas and propane used for grain drying and heating & cooling barns from the carbon tax is in 3rd reading in the Senate, but it’s faced delays and bickering from politicians on both sides […]
Another delay facing Bill C-234

Another delay facing Bill C-234

Nov 10, 2023 | 5:07pm
The fix is in.  That was a comment from Senator David Wells, following a raucous session in the senate on Thursday afternoon.  During 3rd reading of bill 234, an amendment was put forward by independent senator Lucie Moncion that had to do with the length of the sunset clause.  It was like an amendment introduced in […]
New Executive Director at Ag in the Classroom Canada

New Executive Director at Ag in the Classroom Canada

Nov 10, 2023 | 4:59pm
Ag in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C) has a new Executive Director. Mathieu Rouleau grew up on a dairy, cash crop, and maple syrup farm in southwestern Quebec, and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Business and Agronomy from McGill University. He worked as an agronomist in Quebec as well as in the finance industry, […]

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