carbon tax

Environment Minister Wilkinson says carbon price hikes won’t be decided until 2022

Dec 4, 2019 | 7:13pm

The federal Liberals will not make a decision about hiking the carbon price beyond $50 a tonne for at least another two years, Environment Minister Jonathan Wilkinson says. Wilkinson said his first priority in the new Parliament will be figuring out how Canada is going to meet its target for cutting greenhouse gas emissions made […]

APAS meeting to seek rebate on carbon tax on farm fuel for grain drying

Dec 4, 2019 | 6:00am

More than 100 delegates are expected to attend the APAS annual meeting, which opens Wednesday in Regina. President Todd Lewis says one key resolution will push Ottawa for an exemption on the carbon tax on fuel used for grain drying this fall. He says costs are significant to farmers, running into the hundreds of dollars […]

carbon tax heated issue in the Sask legislature

Nov 27, 2019 | 3:19pm

  The carbon tax and a rebate for farm fuel used for grain drying was a key issue of discussion in the Saskatchewan legislature Wednesday afternoon. The NDP accuses the Moe government of providing limited support for a federal carbon tax rebate on grain drying. Premier Scott Moe disagreed. Moe says the NDP has supported […]

Hiking carbon tax to $210 cheapest way to hit Canada’s climate targets: commission

Nov 27, 2019 | 10:30am

OTTAWA — The Ecofiscal Commission says quadrupling Canada’s carbon price by 2030 is the easiest and most cost-effective way for the country to meet its climate targets. But the independent think-tank also warns that might be the toughest plan to sell to the public because the costs of carbon taxes are highly visible. The commission is […]

Moe and Fougere talk with Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland

Nov 26, 2019 | 7:08pm

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland visited Regina Tuesday to discuss Saskatchewan’s issues with the federal government. Freeland met with both Mayor Michael Fougere and Premier Scott Moe to listen to their views on the election and what can be done moving forward. There was more of a positive reaction to the Premier’s visit with Freeland. […]

Online petition aimed at informing Ottawa how much the carbon tax is costing farmers

Nov 21, 2019 | 6:40am

An online petition has been launched to let farmers tell Ottawa how much money they are paying in carbon tax. The President of the Western Canadian Wheat Growers says it’s very apparent on propane and natural gas bills for grain drying. Gunter Jochum says in some cases, the carbon tax portion is as high as […]

SARM seeks phone call from Prime Minister Trudeau

Nov 14, 2019 | 6:00am

SARM President Ray Orb has called on Prime Minister Trudeau to include rural municipalities in any economic and western unity discussion. Orb told SARM delegates in Regina Wednesday that rural Saskatchewan has resources that fuel the economy and must be included in any unity and economic talks. Orb also says he opposes stiff federal regulations […]

Scott Moe and Andrew Scheer will meet with Prime Minister Trudeau in Ottawa on Tuesday

Nov 12, 2019 | 6:30am

Premier Scott Moe and Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer will meet with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Tuesday in Ottawa. Scheer, will share his thoughts on how the new minority government should operate, and what he’d like to see in the Throne Speech, while asking Trudeau to recall Parliament on the 25th. Moe meanwhile will ask for […]

Provincial government to pay around $500k in outside lawyer costs for carbon tax case

Nov 9, 2019 | 9:30am

The Saskatchewan government announced they will be paying approximately $400,000 to $500,000 in outside lawyer fees for their upcoming constitutional challenge of the carbon tax. On Thursday following question period at the legislature, Justice Minister and Attorney General Don Morgan said they have retained the services of law firm MLT Aikins. He admitted the hire will […]

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