On the eve of Tele-Miracle 47, the Kinsmen Foundation of Saskatchewan is making one million dollars available for health foundations in Saskatchewan, to help pay for new equipment. The pledge is possible because of the record setting 8 million dollars raised through the Tele-Miracle Telethon last year. “Saskatchewan people are known for their generosity and […]
Saskatchewan RCMP Sgt. Cliff Joanis knows the children of James Smith Cree Nation well. The First Nation northeast of Saskatoon is a hockey community and he’d cross paths with kids from there during tournaments where his own children were playing. His daughter was even coached by a member. Joanis wanted to help when, in September, […]
Monopoly games, Scrabble matches’ and copious rounds of Battleship are often the hallmark of family Christmas celebrations – with lasting memories formed around kitchen tables. For some of the students at Regina’s Sacred Heart Community School – board games are not always a part of the plan. Sacred Heart Community School is hoping to bring […]
Tim Hortons is bringing smiles back to Regina with its annual smile cookie campaign. For the city’s 2022 campaign, the Regina Food Bank has been chosen as the charity partner. “We’re so excited to see the community has our back once again,” said CEO of the Regina Food Bank, John Bailey. Smile cookie week kicks […]
Local supporters of Canadian Food Grains bank projects at Grenfell, Balgonie and Raymore (as well as two Alberta groups) are being recognized for a collaborative effort with grain company Viterra. According to Gaylene Dempsey with the Food Grains Bank, this is the seventh year of Viterra invovlment with support projects at Grenfell, Balgonie and Raymore, […]
Once again, Saskatchewan opened its heart for TeleMiracle. The 46th edition of the charity fundraiser set a new record for donations, when all was said an done Sunday Afternoon. The total board read “$8,002,722”. “Saskatchewan people are known for their generosity and this year, they came together to set an all-time TeleMiracle record,” says TeleMiracle […]
A huge boost to the the Food Banks of Saskatchewan “Feeding Holiday Cheer” campaign has come from Nutrien. With the campaign getting underway Tuesday, Nutrien provided $250,000. Food Banks of Saskatchewan Executive Director Michael Kincade says Nutrien is a huge supporter of trying to reduce hunger for those in need whether they be in urban […]
It wasn’t your typical fundraiser, but it was a success. play 92’s Mark Johnston, and Jessica Frost spent the night in the Victoria Square Shopping Centre to raise money for Regina’s Carmichael Outreach, which was had donation money and staff laptops stolen last weekend. The morning hosts from our sister station raised $16,850, with donations […]
Telemiracle weekend is here, and it’s going to look a little different than people are used to. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the 45th annual telethon will take place in an empty auditorium, with many acts having pre-recorded their performances. National Cast member Chris Henderson says, despite the circumstances, people can expect another great event. “There’ll […]