City Centre Inn

Residents from Saskatoon’s City Centre Inn safely being relocated

Jul 24, 2020 | 12:20pm

Phase one of the relocation of residents from the City Centre Inn and Suites that began Thursday afternoon, has finished. As of Thursday evening, 120 of the 150 residents have been provided the opportunity for temporary housing and relocation to local shelters and hotels. Several were provided with longer-term housing options, according to the city. […]

Saskatoon motel shut down due to unsafe conditions

Jul 22, 2020 | 3:33pm

Calling it bed bug and cockroach infested, Saskatoon’s Fire Chief says the state of the City Centre Inn and Suites is deplorable. Chief Morgan Hackl says in his career he has never shut down a facility in this manner nor descended with fire inspectors on a property, to the degree they have here, in order […]

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